1st ぐるぐるカーテン
1st Round and round curtain
2nd おいでシャンプー
2nd Come on shampoo
3rd 走れ!bicycle
3rd Let’s run bicycle
4th 制服のマネキン
4th A mannequin in uniform
5th 君の名は希望
5th Your name in “Hope”
6th ガールズルール
6th Girl’s rules
7th バレッタ
7th Valletta
8th 気づいたら片想い
8th I notice unrequited love
9th 夏の Free & Easy
9th Free & Easy in summer
10th 何度目の青空か
10th What time of the blue sky
11th 命は美しい
11th Life is beautiful
12th 太陽ノック
12th Knock on the sun
13th 今話したい誰かがいる
13th Now,there is domeone I want to talk
14th ハルジオンが咲く頃
14th When Harujion bloom
15th 裸足でSummer
15th Sunmer barefoot
16th サヨナラの意味
16th The mean of goodbye
17th インフルエンサー
17th Influencers
18th 逃げ水
18th Mirage
19th いつかできるから今日できる
19th I can do now because I can do sometime
Hope, the name of yours.
Let’s go(行こう)とGo(行け)の違いと一緒でさ
walking barefoot in summerがいい